Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

There was no school today! Twas lovely! And I'm still checking like every 5 minutes to see if its canceled tomorrow - nothing so far!

However, the snow day did seem to have many negative side effects. One being the immense amounts of snow in my driveway. The other being there was nowhere to run. For the first inconvenience, my mother and I shoveled for about 2 hours total today because both my brother and father are currently invalid :) It was horrible, and I have come to hate snow plows very much (for putting more snow where I just cleared). The second inconvenience was somewhat buffered by my elliptical in the basement. So instead of running, I ellipticalled for 50 minutes. I also got to watch Pretty Little Liars :) I tried to make it an easy exercise, because of the meet tomorrow, and I also have no idea how an elliptical compares to running, so I just went on resistances 1 and 2, alternating. My calves were a bit sore though after a while, so I got off. I also tried to simulate strides, but that felt weird, so I stopped (like my strides were overly shortened by the elliptical). Then I did some dynamic stretches, as you told me, and finished.

My heart rate this morning was 12/13

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds good Sarah. Glad you did shoveling and dynamic stretching on top of the elliptical. I wouldn't count on another day off. Hydrate well tonight. Ice the calves if they're still bothering you - maybe some advil it your parents approve. Remember 1-2-3 for the 600 tomorrow. 34-35-36 would work out nicely. Get out hard, increase the effort on the 2nd 200, then hold your form the best you can coming home.

    No more walking on your long runs. Just keep the heart rate the same by running more slowly up the hill.
