Monday, April 4, 2011

more issues

well, the good news is that my hamstring feels swell. The problem is that my other knee is acting up. It was this really weird feeling for most of the run (which was both indoors and outdoors thanks to the thunder, and 1/2 the time was spent looking for a nickel...) anyways, so I felt it a little then, and then as soon as I dropped Brennan off, it flared up I guess and was this like shooting pain and really hurt. I tried to run a few times and couldn't, and was about to give up, but tried one more time, and it felt like the pain turned into tightness and just travelled down my calf and out my foot, and didn't come back for the rest of teh 36 minutes. But then it did come back for hill strides, so I only did 1 1/2, and it kinda hurt to walk back to school. But I think its just extreme tightness manifesting itself in my knee/tendons, so I heated and rolled and iced and drugged it (ibuprofen!) and now it doesn't hurt. It better be better by tomorrow because i REALLY want to run the two mile tomorrow! Eve and I decided to go for 12:16. yayyyy!!!

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