Thursday, March 17, 2011


A wonderful long run for a wonderful day! It was BEAUTIFUL today! Sunny, above 60, and shorts and a tshirt! lovely!

I left for the run with Nina, Rachel, and Eva. I then did waban loop with Eva as Nina fartleked ahead. We passed Brennan, Bo Julie, Allie and Eve on our way and met back up with Nina. Then Eva went to CVS and Nina and I ran back. Then I dropped Nina off at the highschool and went to pick up Raquel at her house. I then ran Raquel down and back on the brook path, and we met Eva coming back. Then Eva and I finished up 7 minutes for exactly 85! It was a nice run because it had so much activity! Plus it was lovely outside, in case i didn't make that clear!

My calves and feet were sore - I iced them at home, so hopefully that will go away!

Did abs with Eva in the fitness center, and we were like the only ones there!

Morning Heart Rate - 13



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