Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yet another strength phase = more circuits workouts. Only these ones (i thought) were much more pleasant. Although this is probably because I have been doing most of the exercises for three weeks already - well, nothing wrong with getting a head start! Still, I would like to provide a disclaimer that although I thought these circuits were BETTER than old circuits, they were still not EASY and I still got TIRED. Also, I have always been and will always be terrible at push-ups- I abhor push ups.

Well, it was very exciting getting to demonstrate some circuits exercises, and nice to see everyone stick around for two circuits. 4 circuits - not so much. Oh well, we had fun with our nice group of 6 or 7 until long distancers and Hayden joined in!

So now I'm feeling pretty beat - I got a lot of mileage in today. Warmed up with close to 2, and then circuits consists of 3 miles (4000 meters of strides, total of 1 mile in 400's, so thats roughly 3 miles) and then a 35 minute cool down. I'm gonna go ahead and say thats like 8.5 miles for the day. whew! The cool down was not so pleasant as I was very tired and Brennan wasn't there, so it was also lonely :(

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